
PIN码全称Personal Identification Number,就是指SIM卡的个人识别密码。这是一种保护手机SIM的安全措施,防止他人盗用SIM卡。
1. 首先进入“设置”,找到并打开“电话”选项。
2.在“电话”菜单中,点击SIM卡 PIN码。
3. 在这里可以更改PIN码,也可以滑动关闭PIN码。
4. 如果是更改PIN码,需要先输入原始PIN码,然后设置新PIN码并再次输入进行确认。
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百度经验:每张sim卡都设有pin码,但默认的pin码太过简单,很容易被人破解,&为了有效预防自己的sim卡被不法分子复制,我们可以自己重新设定sim卡的pin码,下面我以诺基亚900手机为例进行操作:具体过程如下百度经验:1&首先,打开手机里的“设置”2&第二,打开设置里的“应用程序”选项3&第三,打开“应用程序”选项里的“电话”选项4&第四,打开"sim卡安全"选项5&第五,点击“更改sim卡pin码”选项6&输入你所要设定的密码,完成。记住只能输入4位。END百度经验:&一定要牢牢记住自己更改后的pin码,因为以后每次开机都需要输入你所改的pin码,如果三次输入不正确,你的sim卡将会被锁住的经验内容仅供参考,如果您需解决具体问题(尤其法律、医学等领域),建议您详细咨询相关领域专业人士。作者声明:本篇经验系本人依照真实经历原创,未经许可,谢绝转载。投票(1)已投票(1)有得(0)我有疑问(0)◆◆说说为什么给这篇经验投票吧!我为什么投票...你还可以输入500字◆◆非回享用户暂时不能发布经验“有得”&你还可以输入1000字◆◆如对这篇经验有疑问,可反馈给作者,经验作者会尽力为您解决!你还可以输入500字相关经验511302281热门杂志第1期你不知道的iPad技巧3545次分享第1期win7电脑那些事6213次分享第2期新人玩转百度经验1223次分享第1期Win8.1实用小技巧2540次分享第1期小白装大神1726次分享◆请扫描分享到朋友圈Authy:在 App Store 上的内容
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Authy brings the future of two-factor authentication to the convenience of your iPhone or iPad.The Authy app generates secure 2 step verification tokens on your device. It help’s you protect your account from hackers and hijackers by adding an additional layer of security. Why Authy is the best multi factor authentication app: - Secure Cloud Backups:
Did you lose your device and got locked out of all of your accounts? Authy provides secure
cloud encrypted backups so you will never lose access to your tokens again. We use the same algorithm banks and the NSA use to protect their information. - Multi Device Synchronization:
Are your re-scanning all your QR codes just to add them to your tablet and smartphone? With authy you can simply add devices to your account and all of your 2fa tokens will automatically synchronize. - Offline:
Still waiting for an SMS to arrive? do you travel constantly and lose access to your accounts? Authy generates secure tokens offline from the safety of your device, this way you can authenticate securely even when in airplane mode.- All of your accounts:
We support most major multi-factor authentication accounts including Facebook, Dropbox, Amazon, Gmail, and thousands of other providers. We also support 8 digit tokens.- Protect your bitcoins:
Authy is the preferred two factor authentication solution to protect your bitcoin wallet. We are the default 2fa provider for trusted companies like Coinbase, CEX.IO, BitGo and many others.- What is two factor authentication?
"Two-factor authentication is one of the best things you can do to make sure your accounts don't get hacked" - LifeHacker/what-is-two-factor-authenticationAre you a fan of Authy?- Follow us on twitter: /authy- Like us on facebook: /authysec
版本 20.5 中的新功能
- Fix errors caused when contacting the Authy server- Change library for keychain probably causing a bug in which users are presented with a corrupted token view
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计提供 iPhone 版 Apple Watch App免费类别: 版本: 20.5大小: 68.6 MBApple Watch: 是语言: 英语, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙语开发商: Authy Inc.兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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