OG13 CR19 大牛教育可靠吗求教

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投诉 不能直接推断出 收视率下降 (虽然按常理可以这么推测)
不能推测出& &题干中的新闻机构的收视率下滑不是由争议报导引起
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potentialwjy117 发表于
如果A为正确,也就是说所有news org都有相同的drops in viewership问题,加上前提 the network aired a controversial report on the economy (特殊的条件,别的org没有),就可以推出原因并非是这个report的问题。
总的来说,既然大家都有viewer的减少,那么为什么会是report的关系而减少的呢?因为原文中没有提及其他媒体是否有报道controversial report, 所以可以默认为只有这个network报道了
B的话,这句话是否可以解释viewer drop的原因?正是因为对report的complaints都是regular viewer发出的,所以viewers drop了?显然这句话似乎不太通顺; 那根据上面几位的分析,如果说regular viewer更容易留下来,那么为什么要提他们的complaints,而不是表达viewer的loyalty?显然既然是complaints,就说明complaints可能会造成这些regular viewer的流失, 即进一步推翻了原文的conclusion,所以错
C:我认为是反对主旨的,因为其描述大意是只有当他们收到complaints时候,才会将viewer流失的原因归于report;只有收到complaints,和原文中认为人员流失的原因和complaints没有关系完全矛盾了呀 0 0
D:不是第一次发布负面消息,咋地?原文又没有说以前有过drop还是没drop,况且,如果想表达这种负面消息会带来累计的情绪继而导致viewer的流失,我想原文应该会出现什么since three years ago 这种表示持续时间段的描述了吧?总之我看的时候会觉得挺无关的╮(╯▽╰)╭
E: 没人选就不说了(溜
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用helr方法 相关因果模式,把两件同时发生的事加了因果关系,评估这个关系是否正确
& && && && && && && && &选项中要涉及“因”+“果”或只有“果”+“他因”,技巧上讲没提到果的或者没有对果有直接影响的都是无效选项
(A) The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
& && &整个行业收视率都不好,可以理解为某种因素使整个行业都不好,也包括他家的收视率,他因,正确选项
(B) The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization’s programs.
& &&&强调了“因”中的观众是忠实观众,那么这些人不爽了一定会导致收视率下降,反而是加强,相反选项
(C) Major network news organizations publicly attribute drop in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
& &&&只有收到抱怨的时候才会归咎于报告的问题,和题干完全一样嘛,相反选项
(D) This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
& &&&没有涉及“果”,只涉及了因的两个属性,不在评估方向内,无效选项
(E) Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.
& & 没有涉及“果”无法评估,无效选项
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A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the network's position?
A.The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
B.The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization's programs.
C.Major network news organizations publicly attribute drops in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
D.This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
E. Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.
i have a following question regarding option A : how can we assume in option A that &the other major network news organization& did not air the controversial report ? what if the same report was also aired by &other major networks&(i mean its not something unusual .it does happen that two news channel air the same report ) and that &the report & was a real reason behind the reduction of their viewers .i feel that option A is incomplete in its text .i do agree that in causal questions we have to show the specifics of cause and effect but here in option A we are just referring to the effect without even discussing the presence or absence of cause!!
i guess option A is making unwarranted assumptions
experts please help
PS :: the OA : is A .i am not questioning the OA .but whats bothering me is that option A is making the assumption that i have stated above and i have read in many post of Ron that the answers in strengthening and weakening questions sud stand of their own and sud not make any kind of assumption
Ron plz help me understand
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个人理解:A中的另一家organization可能报道了也可能没报道controversial report,因此有可能存在产生其他导致收视率下滑的原因
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为什么我选的是D,D说这不是该组织第一次做引起观众不满的报道,那是不是就意味着以前有相同情形但是没有发 ...
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One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This technique, commonly called "benchmarking," permits the manager of a company to discover better industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.
Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company against companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors EXCEPT:
AComparisons with competitors are most likely to focus on practices that the manager making the comparisons already employs.&&BGetting "inside" information about the unique practices of competitors is particularly difficult.&&CSince companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels of efficiency, only benchmarking against noncompetitors is likely to reveal practices that would aid in beating competitors.&&DManagers are generally more receptive to new ideas that they find outside their own industry.&&EMuch of the success of good companies is due to their adoption of practices that take advantage of the special circumstances of their products or markets.&&
正确答案: E
查看: 1356|回复: 1
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One way to judge the performance ofa company is to compare it with other companies. This technique,
commonly called &benchmarking,& permits the manager of a company to discover better industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.
Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company against
companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors EXCEPT:
(A) Comparisons with competitors are most likely to focus on practices that the manager making the
comparisons already employs.
(B) Getting &inside& information about the unique practices of competitors is particularly difficult.
(C) Since companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels of efficiency, only benchmarking against noncompetitors is likely to reveal practices that would aid in beating competitors.
(D) Managers are generally more receptive to newideas that they find outside their own industry.
(E) Much of the success of good companies is due to their adoption of practices that take
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大意就是判断一个公司的绩效就是拿它跟其它公司进行比较。这个方法就叫做“benchmarking&。“benchmarking&能让这个公司的经理发现更好的practices和提供采取good practice的理由。简单来讲就是,“benchmarking&能让经理发觉别公司的有点,让自己公司取其精华,去其糟粕。E选项就说如果别的公司是通过产品或市场的特殊特殊环境取得成功,那么就说明这个公司“投机取巧”,自身没有good practice可供其它公司借鉴。
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List T consists of 30 positive decimals, none of which is an integerm and the sum of the 30 decimals is S. The estimated sum of the 30 decimals, E, is defined as follows. Each decimal in T whose tenth digit is even is rounded up to the neareast integer and each blah blah tenth digit is odd is rounded up to the neareast integer. E is the sum of resulting integers. If 1/3 of the decimals in T have a tenth digit that is even, which of the following is possible value of E-S
1. -16, 2. 6, 3. 10
B. 1 & 2 only
C. 1 & 3 only
D. 2 & 3 only
E. 1, 2, 3
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本帖最后由 pattyx 于
23:47 编辑
小数点后第一位是双数的,向上取整(比如1.22--&2)估算值比原值大,增加的量无限趋近0.1(当小数点后第一位为8),最大无限趋近1 这里注意考虑到0是双数,刚才忽略了!
总共30个数,10个为单,单个差值值域(0.1,1),20个为双,单个差值值域 (-1,-0.1] 值域修正了下
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pattyx 发表于
我的原题目写错了,小数点后第一位是奇数的是rounded down~我写成了rounded up~谢谢!
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本帖最后由 pattyx 于
23:49 编辑
kanalan 发表于
我的原题目写错了,小数点后第一位是奇数的是rounded down~我写成了rounde ...
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pattyx 发表于
对了,我突然发现漏掉很重要的一点!0是e ...
我原来是不太理解rounded up/rounded down to the nearest integer是什么意思。你这样一说我清楚了很多,再结合OG看。
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pattyx 发表于
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个人认为不能加入十分位是0的数,因为题目中提到全部数是小数,没有整数。所有最后取值范围是[-16,6]。。& && && && && &
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ganshuiji 发表于
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pattyx 发表于
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One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This technique, commonly called "benchmarking," permits the manager of a company to discover better industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.
Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company against companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors EXCEPT:
AComparisons with competitors are most likely to focus on practices that the manager making the comparisons already employs.&&BGetting "inside" information about the unique practices of competitors is particularly difficult.&&CSince companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels of efficiency, only benchmarking against noncompetitors is likely to reveal practices that would aid in beating competitors.&&DManagers are generally more receptive to new ideas that they find outside their own industry.&&EMuch of the success of good companies is due to their adoption of practices that take advantage of the special circumstances of their products or markets.&&
正确答案: E
查看: 1764|回复: 3
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13.&&&&One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This technique, commonly called “benchmarking,” permits the manager of a company to discover better industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company against companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors EXCEPT:(A) Comparisons with competitors are most likely to focus on practices that the manager making the comparisons already employs.(B) Getting “inside” information about the unique practices of competitors is particularly difficult.(C) Since companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels of efficiency, only benchmarking against noncompetitors is likely to reveal practices that would aid in beating competitors.(D) Managers are generally more receptive to new ideas that they find outside their own industry.(E) Much of the success of good companies is due to their adoption of practices that take advantage of the special circumstances of their products of markets.答案: E. 原文逻辑不是很难,可是,问题我没有看懂, 黑体的那部分说得好绕啊, 明白的高手帮帮忙吧!
在线时间 小时
黑体字的意思是:下面哪一个理由可以解释:在一家公司和其他家公司比较的时候,应该选择不是这家的公司的竞争对手来比较,而不是选择这家公司的竞争者来比较!感觉翻译出来真的是土呀!!呵................against companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors 这边是一个并列!benchmarking这个东东看成compare 就可以拉!我自己这么看的:benchmarking&&.......against ............. 等于: compare ........ with......... 可能不对,但可以有助于理解!Appreciate any comments!
在线时间 小时
嗯,八戒gg说得有道理, 这下可看明白了. 谢谢你的翻译! 高手啊, 我就被绕进去了!
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Snowmaking machines work by spraying a mist that freezes immediately on contact with cold air. Because the sudden freezing kills bacteria, QuickFreeze is planning to market a wastewater purification system that works on the same principle. The process works only when temperatures are cold, however, so municipalities using it will still need to maintain a conventional system.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for a prediction that municipalities will buy QuickFreeze's purification system despite the need to maintain a conventional purification system as well?
ABacteria are not the only impurities that must be removed from wastewater.&&BMany municipalities have old wastewater purification systems that need to be replaced.&&CConventional wastewater purification systems have not been fully successful in killing bacteria at cold temperatures.&&DDuring times of warm weather, when it is not in use, QuickFreeze's purification system requires relatively little maintenance.&&EPlaces where the winters are cold rarely have a problem of water shortage.&&
正确答案: C
查看: 2454|回复: 3
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Snowmaking machines work by spraying a mist that freezes immediately on contact with cold air. Because the sudden freezing kills bacteria, QuickFreeze is planning to market a wastewater purification system that works on the same principle. The process works only when temperature are cold, however, so municipalities using it will need to maintain a conventional system.  造雪机通过喷撒一层接触到冷空气后立即凝固的薄雾来运作,这种突然的水汽凝固可以杀灭细菌。QF 公司计划销售一种基于这种原理的废水净化系统。但是由于这种灭菌过程只能在低温下运作,所以运用这种系统的市政机关还是需要维持传统的净化系统。  Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for a prediction that municipalities will buy QuickFreeze’s purification system despite the need to maintain a conventional purification system as well?  下列哪一项为真时能为这一预计提供最强的支持:尽管市政机关也需要维持传统的净化系统,但它们还是会购买QF公司生产的净化系统?  A. Bacteria are not the only impurities that must be removed from wastewater.  细菌不是唯一需要从废水中去除的污物。  B. Many municipalities have old wastewater purification systems that need to be replaced  很多市政原有的旧废水净化系统需要更新。  C. Conventional wastewater purification systems have not been fully successful in killing bacteria at cold temperatures.  传统的废水净化系统在低温下并不能完全成功地杀灭细菌。  D. During times of warm weather, when it is not in use, QuickFreeze’s purification system requires relatively little maintenance.  天气暖和,QF废水净化系统不使用的时候几乎不需要保养维护。  E. Places where the winters are cold rarely have a problem of water shortage.  有寒冬的地方几乎没有水源稀缺问题。正确的答案是:C我的思路:原文说:但是由于这种灭菌过程只能在低温下运作,所以运用这种系统的市政机关还是需要维持传统的净化系统。从这里可以推出:运用这种系统的市政机关,需要维持传统的净化系统的原因,是,他可以提供低温(灭菌只有在低温下运作)。不然原文也不会将低温和传统净化系统联系到一起了。。。。所以,我在找答案的时候,就一直在想找传统净化系统的有点,而直接排除了C!!大牛们能来指导一下解题思路吗?谢谢
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我感觉,这道题只看题目不看问题会很麻烦诶:题目:有着snowmaking machine核心技术的wastewater purification system有缺陷,所以政府就让它与传统净水系统一同工作。 & & &可见,传统设备可以弥补新设备的缺陷,但是目前不知道传统设备有什么问题。问题:找出“政府有传统设备,仍然需要有缺陷的新设备”的支持论据。 & & &可见,传统设备有缺陷需要新设备弥补。我们要做的:找到传统设备的缺陷,即题目中的新设备的最大功能:杀菌。关键在问题部分吧,OG CR开头就说:You might find it helpful to read the question first.共勉,轻拍
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