
&&& 1、毕业的基本概念
&&& 高校外语专业的毕业写作是完成本科教学、实 现本科培养目标的重要阶段,是外语人才培养不可或缺的重 要环节。毕业是学生大学毕业前的最后学习阶段,是外 语教学深化和升华的重要过程;是对学生的外语实践技能、 外语知识及其他相关学科知识、全面素质、研究与创新 能力进行检验考核的重要手段;是学生学士学位资格认证的 重要依据;是衡量、评估高校外语专业教学质量与水平的重 要内容之一。 高校外语专业毕业是学生毕业前撰写的学士学位 。 毕业是教学中的重要一环。 它表明学生的外语 水平和实际应用外语的能力,表明学生的及其他相关学 科的学识水平,表明学生发现并提出问题、解决问题的能力 以及独立从事科研工作的能力。 毕业具有学术的一般特点。 它应以正确的学术 思想及理论为指导,以语言现象、文学文本、文化现象、对 象国状况等事实与材料为基础,按照严密的逻辑思维方式, 以严谨的例证、分析、、论述为依据,得出可信的 结论。
&&& 2、毕业的特点与功能
&&& (1)毕业的特点 本科外语专业毕业作为学术的一种形式, 具有 学术性、性和创新性等特点。 学术性是毕业的本质属性。 学术性体现为作者对研究 对象的本质与规律的研究,对研究结果或发现的表述。 学术性要求学术具有一定的理论色彩,即使是应用性的 学术也应作到有一定的理论概括。由于外语专业毕业论 文是本科生初步的科研尝试,要求学生不仅对研究对象有较 深入的了解,还能用所学语言进行的表述,因此,外语 专业毕业的学术性首先指研究对象的确定及研究 结论是否有一定的学术意义以及语言的语体使用是否规范。 性指科研成果的形成是以的世界观和方法论为
&&& 指导,以的理论和客观的材料为基础,用严谨的态 度去分析材料、总结规律、得出结论。外语专业毕业的 性主要指作者需要大量地占有第一或第二手资料,能对 收集的材料进行分析和归纳,逻辑条理清晰。其次,的 格式和内容的撰写符合规范。 创新性指作者能用新的视角和方法分析研究材料, 提 出新的看法,做出新的结论。由于外语专业毕业既要检 查作者的语言水平,又要考察内容,对本生说, &创 新&实属不易,应当鼓励,但这方面的要求不宜过高。 同时,外语专业毕业还有其自身的专业特点。 毕业课题的确定要符合外语教学大纲的基本要求, 尚 未制定教学大纲的语种专业则要达到该语种毕业时的教学 要求,要与所学专业的内容相衔接。 毕业原则上要用所学的第一外语撰写, 语言要正确规 范,通顺得体。 毕业要在指导教师的指导下独立完成。 毕业的篇幅不得低于 5000 个外文单词。 (2)毕业的功能 毕业具有教学功能和为社会服务功能。 毕业写作是高校外语专业教学大纲中规定的一个内 容,是教学中的一个组成部分,是学生毕业前提交的一 份具有一定的理论或应用价值的学术。它是学生毕业前 独立、系统地从事研究的初步尝试。它是学生提高外语 技能,运用外语知识及其他相关专业知识的重要步 骤;是培养良好的思维、分析和创新能力并进行素质教 育的重要途径。 通过毕业的写作, 锻炼学生掌握连贯的、 正确的、的外语语言的能力,全面提高学生运用外 语的水平;培养学生发现问题、提出问题、分析问题的思维 品质;培养学生运用已经获得的外语实践技能和理论知识, 解决一些应用性的或理论性的问题的研究能力;培养学生严 肃认真的态度和严谨踏实工作作风;培养学生勇于实 践、勇于探索、勇于创新的精神。毕业教学功能的 实现有利于学生智能和全面素质的提高。
&&& 外语专业毕业既不同于可直接运用于社会主义建设 某一具体领域的理工科专业的毕业设计和,也不同于可 直接为社会提供具体建议,方案的社会专业的,它 为社会服务的功能可直接或间接地体现在以下两个方面:其 一,毕业的课题主要来源于学生的学习、阅读等教学实 践或研究过程之中,因此,毕业可以刊载于媒体的应用 性研究成果(语言、文学、文化等的研究、介绍对象国和我 国的情况等)全部或部分地运用于中外交流,也可与教学过 程相联系应用于教学实践。这种能与社会沟通的应用性特点 既是衡量毕业的学术成果及实际价值的重要标准,也是 其为社会服务的重要功能。其二,学生通过撰写的实践 可提高自身的语言水平、工作能力、素质,提高成才性, 从而在毕业后更好地为社会服务。 学生的毕业或以学术成果的形式向社会发表、 或作为 资料留存以供在校师生、社会上的有关人员查阅参考,或者 学生以自身的语言技能、知识和科研能力为社会服务,其社 会功能正是通过两种方式来实现的。
&&& 3、毕业在人才培养中的地位与作用
&&& 毕业在外语人才培养中起着日常教学不可替代的作 用,是课堂教学和非课堂教学的重要补充。它与后两者的配 合可有效地解决语言知识、言语技能和相关知识的活用问 题,它能以一种性的研究成果的方式把分散的知识、技 能与能力要素有机地结合起来。这种结合是全方位的,它是 思想、观念、知识、技能、能力和文化素质的全面。毕 业从较高的层次上,以最终学术成果的形式完善学生的 知识结构,提升学生的文化素质,发展学生的创新精神。 毕业的撰写过程又是了解学术现状与接触学术前沿 的过程,它对于把握本专业的学术动态,深入开展未来的学 术研究有着十分重要的入门作用;毕业的撰写过程还是 了解教学需求和社会需求的过程,是发现、提出并解决实际 问题,将学习期间获得的知识与技能运用于教学实践和服务 于社会的过程。因此,毕业在一定程度上还起着继续学 术深造和提供就业准备的作用。
&&& 毕业上述作用的实现使它在外语人才培养的整个过 程中具有不可或缺的地位。
&&& 4、毕业的选题
&&& ①选题的基本原则 撰写毕业的第一步是选题。选题的过程实际上是一 个学习和调研的过程,是撰写中很重要的一环。确定适 当的题目是写好的前提,并且会对的质量水平、实 际价值和应用产生直接的影响。内容熟悉、范围恰当、难度 适中的课题既有利于学生的撰写工作,也有助于教师的指 导,能充分发挥学生和教师两方面的专业优势,使教与学相 得益彰,使的撰写工作能真正起到应有的作用。尽管学 生在本习期间已经获得了基本的外语语言技能和必需 的专业知识,具备了从事科研工作的初步的能力,但由于学 生还缺乏独立从事学术研究的实践和经验,知识的运用还需 要有一个过程,因此选定合适的研究课题变得十分必要和重 要。它能有针对性地对学生的语言技能、工作能力和素 质进行全面的培养和锻炼。 毕业题目的选择应考虑以下几个基本原则: 第一,题必须符合教学大纲的基本要求和人才培养的基 本规格,必须体现专业训练的基本内容,必须与所学的专业 知识相衔接。这样,学生才能有撰写的知识准备,对学 生的训练和培养才能有的放矢,的撰写才有可能完成。 第二,在选择课题时要充分考虑学生的语言能力、知识 构成和专业兴趣、时间的限定性,这样课题才能符合学生的 实际水平和能力,学生装的主观能动性与创造性才能得到充 分的发挥,的质量与水平才能得到保证,因材施教的原 则才能真正实现。选题应该采取&小题大做&的原则即 对相对集中和具体的小课题,作认真细致、全面深入的分析 研究。课题的来源应尽可能结合教学、科研与社会实践中出 现的实际问题,这样课题才能保证有明确的任务或研究对 象,学生发现问题、提出问题、解决问题的能力才能得到锻 炼,最终的研究成果才有可能具有实际的应用价值。要鼓励 学生选择一些在教学中,在语言、文学和对象国研究中出现
&&& 的一些热点问题,增强学生的责任感、为社会服务的意识和 成就感。 第三,课题的类型应多种多样,应力求有益于学生 运用多学科的理论知识与技能,有利于培养学生独立工作的 能力。随着外语专业教学内容的拓展和社会对具有较高人文 素养、专业型外语人才需求的增长,外语与语言、文学、文 化、外交、经贸、等学科的交叉已势在必然,这便要求 课题的选择不能局限在一个过于狭窄的领域,要引导学生勇 于接受性的课题,以锻炼和培养学生的能力, 的工作能力,探索与钻研的能力,以适应未来社会的需求。 第四,撰写毕业是整个教学中的一部分,具有 时间的限定性和学业的规定性。因此,在选择课题时,要考 虑完成的工作量与时间应符合教学的要求,内容既要有 探索、钻研的余地,又要考虑完成的可能性,工作量原则上 应控制在经过努力能够在指定的时间完成规定任务的范围 内,以保证教学任务的完成。 题目的选择应有一个较长的酝酿时间, 最好在正式撰 写的前一个学期进行,以便有充分的准备时间。 毕业的题目可采取学生定专业范围、研究方向, 教师 出题目,学生针对各自的情况选题的原则进行。为了提高学 生独立思考问题、独立从事科研工作和创新的能力,应大力 提倡在教师指导下学生自己选择题目的方式。 ②课题的确定 在确定课题之前, 教师要帮助学生对已选择的课题进行必 要的论证。论证的目的在于具体切实地验证课题选择的范围 是否合适,难度是否适中,资料是否充分,在规定时间内是 否能够完成等这样一些在正式落笔前必须解决的关键问题。 如若出现题目过窄或过大,过易或太难,缺乏资料等这样或 那样的问题,就需要及时地对课题进行必要的调整。 学生在课题论证的过程中大致应抓住下列几个环节: 第一, 所选的课题是否已有人做过, 自己将要进行的研究 与已有的研究、成果和结论是否相重复。 第二, 是否已具有完成课题所必需的理论准备: 即是否学
&&& 过这方面的知识,是否读过有关的理论方面的书籍。 第三,所需的资料,包括书籍、杂志、报刊、语料等 是否充足。如果是调研报告类的文章,则需落实调查与测试 的原始数据是否具有说服力和可信度,能否足以作出具有普 遍意义的结论。 第四,所需的篇幅能否在规定的时间内完成。 题目基本确定后要经指导教师审阅和教研室最后认定, 认 定意见以书面形式发给学生。 ③课题的特点与要求 各种不同类型涉及的面可宽可窄,难度也可大可小, 学生应充分考虑到自身的语言水平、知识准备、科研能力, 在教师的指导下完成课题的可能性。对各种不同性质和类型 的毕业的共同要求是: 毕业的共同要求是: 选题新颖, 思路清晰, 材料充分, 毕业的共同要求是 选题新颖, 思路清晰, 材料充分, 论证有力,结构完整,逻辑严密,文字通顺,语言规范。 论证有力,结构完整,逻辑严密,文字通顺,语言规范。对 学术性质和类型不同的学术的课题分别还应有不同的 特点与要求。 (1)理论型研究类 理论型研究课题属于一种理论性、 性和创新性较强的 研究课题,是运用语言学、文学、翻译、教学法、对象国研 究等各分支学科的最新成果从事逻辑分析、判断、的研 究课题。 对这一类课题的具体要求是: ①学生能在教师的指导下,发现、提出理论性的问题, 并能对某一具体的理论提出自己的初步看法和意见。 ②学生有较好的理论准备,能够熟练运用已经学过的理 论知识,正确、地分析、解决撰写过程中出现的各 种具体的理论性问题。 ③应能用正确、规范的语体准确地表述思想,完成 的撰写。 (2)应用型研究类 应用型研究课题属于一种运用现有的理论对具体的学 科领域中的具体问题进行应用性研究的课题。这一类要 求以明确的理论思想为指导,在教学过程、研究过程和社会
&&& 需求中发现并提出研究方向。 对这一类课题的具体要求是: ①学生能在教师的指导下,发现、提出实践过程中出现 的问题,并能运用某一具体的理论思想提出解决这一具体问 题的初步看法和意见。 ②学生具有一定的理论准备,能够熟练运用已经学过的 理论知识,正确分析、解决撰写过程中出现的各种具体 的问题。 ③应能用正确、规范的语体准确地表述思想,完成 的撰写。 (3)语言教学研究类 ①学生能在教师的指导下,发现、提出教学过程中出现 的具体的理论或实践方面的问题,并能运用某一具体的心理 学、教学法或语言理论提出解决问题的初步看法和意见。 ②学生具有一定的心理学、教学法方面的理论知识,能 够运用这一知识正确分析、解决撰写过程中出现的各种 具体的实际问题。 ③应能用正确、规范语体准确地表述思想,完成的 撰写。 (4)语言与语言学研究类 ①学生能在教师的指导下,发现、提出语言及语言学某 一具体领域的理论或实践方面的问题,并能运用某一具体的 语言理论提出解决问题的初步看法和意见。 ②学生具有一定的心理学、教学法方面的理论知识,能 够运用这方面的知识正确分析、解决撰写过程中出现的 各种具体的问题。 ③应能用正确、规范的语体准确地表述思想,完成 的撰写。 (5)文学评论类 文学评论类 ① 了解文艺学和文艺批评的基本方法和文学评论的基 本要求,并能运用这些基本知识和理论正确完成对作品 本要求,并能运用这些基本知识和理论正确完成对作品、作 文学流派与思潮等的研究。 家、文学流派与思潮等的研究。 ②对文学文本、作家有较全面、准确的把握。 对文学文本、作家有较全面、准确的把握。
&&& ③应能用的、规范的语体正确地表述思想,完成论 应能用的、规范的语体正确地表述思想, 文的撰写。 文的撰写。 (6)作品翻译及作品评介类 ①要求所译的作品必须是完整的,并具有较高的文艺价 值或学术价值。选择的篇幅应该适当,翻译量应控制在
中文字的篇幅内。 ②作品评介的字数应控制在
外文单词的篇幅 内。评介文章的内容应包括以下三个方面:作者简介(生平、 创作道路、文学艺术地位或学术地位) ,作品内容简介,作 品艺术形式及价值或学术思想及价值简析。 ③应能用正确的、规范的语体准确地表述思想,完成论 文的撰写。 (7)综述类 ①对本课题所研究的现状有比较全面和正确的了解与 把握。要求占有事实材料的丰富性、全面性和新鲜性。 ②对材料的归纳总结要有较好的性、概括性,能在 分析、判断的基础上作出一些新鲜的结论,研究成果要具有 一定的前沿性。 ③应能用的、规范的语体正确地表述思想,完成论 文的撰写。
&&& 毕业资料的收集与使用
&&& ①收集资料的目的 撰写中大量的工作是阅读与课题有关的文献资料, 包括书籍、期刊、报纸、杂志、百科全书、等,也包括 录音带、录像带、书信、艺术品等。阅读与收集资料的目的 是为了进一步了解选题的背景情况:有哪些人开展了此项研 究,此项研究有哪些相关研究课题,此项研究已取得了哪些 成果,有哪些需要进一步研究和解决的问题,从而明确研究 某课题或进一步研究某一问题的必要性,以确定更加具体的 研究范围和题目。 ②收集资料的步骤与方法 为充分使用文献资料,首先应了解本单位图书馆、资料 室的藏书和编目系统,熟悉各图书资料库图书分类法。
&&& 图书馆或资料中心一般都有目录卡。通常以作者、书名 (期刊名)及内容三种类型分别编目。按内容编目的外文图 书一般采用美国国会图书馆分类法或杜威十进分类法,中文 图书一般采用中国图书馆图书分类法。目前越来越多的图书 馆采取网上联机书目查询,使图书查询越来越快捷和方便。 网上联机书目查询一般按作者、题名、主题、关键词、索书 号、文献号、ISBN/ISSN 号查询。除通过网上联机图书馆或 在线图书馆查询图书资料外,另外一个很方便的查询途径就 是上网搜寻相关的在线数据库存和网站。 资料按来源有第一手、第二手之分。第一手资料是指最 原始的资料,尚未经任何人阐释或说明,如调研的数据,采 访的录音、笔记,收集的信件、物品,文学、艺术作品等。 第二手资料由第一手资料转化而成。第一手资料经他人研讨 或被他人引用、阐释而转变成第二手资料。第二手资料可能 是一篇引用他人科研成果的;也可能是某作者就某一课 题或作品所撰写的专著或。有扎实依据的应兼有 一、二手两种资料。第二手资料中可能隐匿着未被发现的错 误,或转引时出现错误,因此应尽可能寻找第一手资料作为 科研的基础。 一般说来,每一课题都有一些可供参考的书籍或资料。 在查找到一本与课题有关的书时,不必急于逐页细读。可先 略读以下几个部分:内容提要、内容目录、前言(或绪论) 、 书后的索引和参考书目、有兴趣的章节或段落。读的过程中 应注意作者是否附脚注或尾注。脚注或尾注都是作者所引用 素材的出处,应给予足够的注意。 阅读与阅读专业书在方法上虽无根本性的差别,但 篇幅小,且编排组织也不同,因而阅读方法上也有所不 同。阅读从标题开始,若对标题感兴趣,可先读其摘要, 摘要归纳了的要点,简述的主要内容。阅读摘 要后若对仍感兴趣,即可阅读全文;若仍无法确定 该文是否有用,可参阅后所列的参考书目,参考书目一 般反映出作者对有关文献资料熟悉了解的程度,从而反 映出作者科研的程度和水平。
&&& 收集资料时应记笔记,阅读中应摘录事实、数据、论点 等各方面资料。这些记录是科研中原始素材的主要组织部 分。摘录时还应记录资料的出处及来源,作者的姓名及有关 资料所在的页码,这样可以为完成之后列出参考书目提 供方便。摘录资料时最好使用卡片。卡片不宜太小,尺寸应 一致。每张卡片记录一项内容,以便在组织撰写时分类 编排。也可使用记录本以避免摘录的资料失散,但采用记录 本时应尽可能用活页本,便于根据需要进行整理排列和查 找。 按内容划分,摘录资料可分成四类:概要、阐释、引语、 个人评述。 概要 是归纳总结参考资料中那些重要的事实或观点。 这项工作的关键是简明扼要地将原文加以概述。 阐释 是以自己的词语重述原作者所述的内容。这不仅 能检测对作者原话的理解是否正确,而且也是按你自己的观 点组织资料的过程。也就是说,改写者与原作者写的内容相 同,但审视的角度稍有差别。虽然改写者用自己的词语阐述 原作者的话,但观点还是原作者的,因而在中应就阐释 的原话出于哪位作者给予说明。 引语 是直接引用他人的话语,因而在所引用的词语前 后都需标上引号&& ,以区别于阐释,否则不易分清哪些是 作者的论点,哪些是引用他人的论点,引语中有时插入 作者的材料,插入部分应以方括号[ ]标出,例如: &The pass rate of TEM4[Test for
Majors Grade Four ]&is increased owing to the introduction of the new training program into the classroom.& 这条引语中方括号内是插入部分,由引用这段引语的笔 者增补,目的是更明确、更具体地说明的名称。 引语,确切地说应是&直接引语& ,既是&直接&就需 绝对准确,摘录时一字、一句,甚至一个标点符号也不能任 意更动或遗漏。直接引语时,原句中的错误也应无例外地抄 录入引语中, 但原句中的错误部分应插入加方括号的 sic 拉 ( 丁语, 意为 thus) 表示此引语全部按原句引录 , (原文如此) ,
&&& 包括原句中的错误在内。例如: & The computer language used on the space shuttle computers was IMP[ sic].&或&The computer language used on the space shuttle computers was IMP[sic-HAL].& 第二例不仅表示原句中有错误,而且作了改正,即原句 中的 IMP 应是 HAL 语言。 有时直接引语中只需录用原句的部分内容,这种情况下 在引用部分之前或其后用省略号,表示引用部分之前或其后 已省略。需注意中的省略号是三个点&。不同于汉语中 的省略号六个点&&。 在部分引用他人的词语时,应注意不能改变原作者的含 义,例如: &The four skills (such as speaking ,listening, reading and writing) can be integrated into one organic whole in an EFL classroom.& (原句) & The four skills&can be integrated into one organic whole in an EFL classroom.& 第二句虽省略原句中部分内容,但原作者的词语末有实 质的变更。 有时在引用句之前或之后加上个人的词语,例如: 原 句 & All the numerical results show that the CAL approach is most effective in teaching reading and writing.& 上例可改为: &&& stated&&that the CAI approach is most effective in teaching reading and writing.&原句在被部分引用时还 可作部分修改,例如: &&&stated&&that the CAI approach is most[applicable] in teaching reading and writing.& 原句中的 effective 改为 applicable, 改动后原句意思 更具体,但改动部分未对原意作重大的变更。 引用原句是还需注意:引用的语段在原资料上可能跨前 后两页,引用时应确切注明原资料页码,如: &Research increases your knowledge and understanding
&&& of a subject. Sometimes research will confirm you sometimes [p2 < = > p3]it will modify and challenge them, But almost always it will help to shape your thinking.& 有些作者在作笔记卡时不采用释义改写的方法,而 是全部引用原语段。实际上两者的工作量相差无几,而卡片 上引录原语段有一定的优势,在撰写时,既可按原意改 写,也可直接引用。 个人评述 是指在研究分析资料时将个人的某些想法、 观点及时予以笔录,以免转瞬即逝,事后遗忘;有时需写下 三言两语以提醒自己查阅某些相关资料以充实已有资料,或 对某些资料予以进一步核实。 以上方法在网上查询时同样适用,所不同的是网上查询 更便于将有用的资料用电脑进行编辑、保存和打印。 ③资料的使用 检索到有关资料后应对资料进行梳理,对前人的研究成 果加以批判性总结和评估,确定每一份资料的价值及用途, 找出前人成果中的不足甚至错误,并在此基础上确定自己论 文的研究范围和切入点。 并非所有出版的书刊文章内容都绝对确切或真实可信, 因而不能盲目信赖阅读中所获得的信息,而需思考分析,取 其有用可靠的材料。阅读参考资料时应对资料的来源及作者 的研究方法是否可靠进行分析,并作出正确的判断。由于新 的信息不断增加,应对原有的资料重新评估,可能条件下应 参阅最新版的文献资料。对不同来源的资料应作比较,研究 各论点或论点的依据是否并行不悖, 或互有差异, 甚至矛盾。 各种资料若不一致,需谨慎分析研究,去伪存真。 在参阅资料时也应了解编著参考书文的作者的有关情 况。学术刊物在不同程度上向读者提供作者的背景情 况。多数刊物载明作者的工作单位,有些刊物还刊登作者的 照片。读者可以从作者介绍中了解作者从事某课题研究所具 有的经历和背景。此外,在收集资料时,应核实资料中所提 供的事实及数据。例如某校声称该校文科毕业生 1984 年为
&&& 310 人,1998 年增加到 651 人,毕业生人数提高了 210%,按 前两个数字计算,毕业生实际增长数为 341 人,其增长百分 比应是 110%。 这一简单事例说明我们在评估资料的可靠性时 要进行核实,避免盲目性。在自己撰写时更应反复核实 数据资料,以避免出现类似的错误。 为了在以后的写作过程中有效地使用已收集到的 资料,应建立一个临时参考资料目录(或称工作用参考资料 目录) 。尽可能完整地将已参阅的各种文献资料都编入其中, 以供查阅用。该目录可在科研和撰写过程中不断变更增 删。 每项资料的全部信息应尽可能记录在同一卡片上,便于 以后检索。临时用的参考资料应尽量多记录每项资料的情 况。若参阅的是书籍,记录中应包括下列各项内容: &&有多位作者的标出第一作者,姓前名后,如 Einstein, Albert; &&书的全名; &&参阅的章节或部分; &&(若是编译资料)编者名,译者名; &&版次; &&(若是系列书中某部分内容)系列书名; &&卷号; &&出版地点、出版商、出版日期; &&资料所在的页码。 上述各项内容大部分都在书名页及版权页上。 参考资料若是,记录中应包括下列各项内容: &&作者姓名; &&标题; &&刊物名; &&卷名; &&刊物期号; &&刊物出版日期; &&资料所在的页码; &&的首页号及末页号。
&&& 可在卡片左上角记录作者的姓名(姓前名后) ,或书的 图书编号,或采用其他任何方法,目的是便于以后能较快检 索到已查阅的资料。 每张参考资料目录卡上也应注明收藏并摘引资料的图 书馆,以便需要时查对。目录卡上简略注明该资料哪些内容 有助于课题研究。 参考资料目录应多于最后的文献资料目录,因为在编制 该目录时尚难确定哪些资料更有价值。下面是几张目录卡的 实例: 例1
&&& Smith,Edmund,Postmodernism and Contemporary Fiction (LB.T.Batsford Ltd,1991) Part One Chapter 2 deals with some American Postmodernists Part Two Chapter 7 discusses Postmodern Culture(s) Systemic &&& study,easy to follow. Tsinghua Library 1109.9 FP85
&&& Martin,Biddy,&Teaching Literature,Changing Cultures& PMLA,Vol.112 No.1.(January 1997)(New York:The Modern Language Association of America),pp.7-25 Discusses literature teaching in the present context of cultural studies. Some quotations The reference room of the Department of Foreign Languages,Tsinghua University
&&& 在资料使用过程中应特别注意避免抄袭或剽窃。有意或 无意地使用他人的观点、意见、数据或词句等等,但不注明 出处,从而给读者造成一种错觉,似乎中所述的内容都 源于作者个人的研究,这种情况即是抄袭或剽窃。这里 我们选用《美国现代语言学会学术写作手册》第四版中 提供的例子说明抄袭或剽窃的几种类型。 例 1:
&&& 原句: Some of Dickinson&s most powerful poems express her firmly held conviction that life cannot be fully comprehended without an understanding of death. 剽窃(将原句改写,但仍然引用了作者的观点,却未注 明出处) : Emily Dickinson strongly believed that we cannot understand life fully unless we also comprehend death. 正确的写法是: As Wendy Martin has suggested, Emily Dickinson strongly believed that we cannot understand life fully unless we also comprehend death. 例 2: 原句: Everyone uses the word language and everybody these days talks about culture&&Languaculture& is a reminder, I hope, of the necessary connection between its two parts& 剽窃(对&languaculture&这一术语或名词的引用未加说 明) : At the intersection of language and culture lies a concept that we might call &languaculture&. 正确的写法是: At the intersection of language and culture lies a concept that Michael Agar has called &languaculture& 例 3: 原段落: Until now the human race has undergone two great waves of change, each one largely obliterating earlier cultures or civilizations and replacing them with ways of life inconceivable to those who came before the First Wave of change-the agricultural revolution-took thousands of years to play itself out. The Second Wave-the rise of industrial civilization-took a mere hundred years. Today history is even more accelerative, and it is likely that the Third Wave will sweep across history and complete itself in a few decades. 剽窃(从字面看,此句用词变动较多,但仍涉抄袭之嫌,
&&& 因为作者不但引用了一些数据,而且很巧妙地借用了原作者 的思想、观点) : There have been two revolutionary periods of change in history: the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. The agricultural revolution determined the course of history fo the industrial civilization lasted about a century. We are now on the threshold of a new period of revolutionary change, but this one may last for only a few decades. 正确的写法是: According to Alvin Toffler, there have been two revolutionary periods
the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. The agricultural revolution determined the course of history fo the industrial civilization lasted about a century. We are now on the threshold of a new period of revolutionary change, but this one may last for only a few decades.
&&& 6.提纲
&&& (1)撰写提纲的目的 收集到一定的资料后,要对资料进行整理和组织。在此 基础之上提出需深入研究的问题。这时需要准备一份工作提 纲,工作提纲可以帮助作者把握的总体构架,弄清 各部分的相互关系与发展层次,为的撰写提供思路和步 骤,该提纲可以随着研究的不断深入进行修改和调整。 (2)撰写提纲的方法与要求 在撰写提纲之前先初步确定题目,然后根据题 目初步确定主题句,主题句一般为完整的一句话,该句话应 准确概述的主要议题和观点,是对所要讨论的问题的高 度概括。提纲中标出的暂定的题目及主题句,有助于作 者在撰写过程中紧扣主题内容。主题句可以随着的 进展作必要的改动和调整。 外语类研究一般由四部分组成:前言(集中介绍论 文的主要论点、研究目的、讨论的方法、拟采用的研究材料 和研究的预期结果或结论) ;文献综述(对相关文献或已有 研究成果的综述或述评) 讨论分析 ; (这是的主要部分) ;
&&& 结论(对全文研究成果的归纳和总结) 。提纲可以按照这四 大部分分别列出主要观点或要讨论和解决的问题,所列各点 都将构成的基本内容。 提纲一般有以下几个层次: Ⅰ.第一个主要观(论)点 A. A. 说明主要观点的第一点 1. 1. 举例说明 2.再举例说明 (若有必要还可进一步细分,下同) (1)&& (2)&& (a)&& (b)&& B.说明主要观点的第二点 1. 1. 举出事例 2. 2. 再举事例说明 Ⅱ.第二个主要观(论)点 (步骤同上) 各种标志符号个人可以自定,目的是方便作者本人,使 作者思路清晰,顺利撰写。上面提供的例样其结构是由 大及小,体现了&一般到特殊&的原则;当然有的其结 构与之相反,由小及大,体现了&特殊到一般&的原则,编 排上也可作相应的变化。 提纲的类别按其语言表达方式,大致可分为三类:标题 式、句子式、段落式。标题式提纲简洁明了,文字上只使用 单个词或短语;句式提纲都由完整句构成,每句体现一个思 想。句式提纲在处理复杂内容时优点明显;段落式提纲费时 较多,但一旦写成也就相当于初稿的框架。
&&& 7.的撰写
&&& (1)毕业撰写要求 毕业是对外语专业学生本科阶段专业学习成绩及 研究能力的检验。一般要求用所学语种的语言文字撰 写,字数要求:6000(单词)以上。毕业属于研究性、
&&& 学术性的,其格式和结构与一般学术基本相同。正 文通常由前言、相关文献或成果综述、讨论分析和结论四个 部分组成,一般撰写时可按此顺序进行。除此之外,还 有注释、参考书目和附录及摘要。摘要放在正文之 前,其余三项按顺序放在正文之后,注释、参考书目为规定 项目,不可省略,附录的内容包括数据、图表、访谈录、照 片等,是否列出根据具体需要而定。 前言 一般包括的主要论点、研究目的和意义、研 究中采用的方法、拟采用的研究材料和研究的结果或结论。 主要论点即拟研究和回答的问题。研究目的和意义即研 究有关问题的必要性,其原因可能是多种的,譬如以往的研 究在某些方面尚未取得结论;或是以往的研究结果包含若干 错误;或是以往的研究中提出的新问题需深入探讨。若拟开 展的课题与涉及范围更大的课题相关,需说明为什么要研究 该大课题中某一方面的问题。有关方法的讨论应充分说明为 何拟采用的方法适用于此课题的研究,如比较的方法、调研 综述的方法、逐条论述的方法、例案分析的方法等。这一部 分首先应说明拟采用方法的前提是什么,需做哪些准备,例 如在介绍选择例案或研究对象时,需说明选择的标准,还需 说明在作了哪些初步调研后才确定拟采用的方法。研究材料 是指科研过程中使用的各类材料,具体的或抽象的都包括在 内,因此&资料&一词比&材料&似乎更妥切。在外国语这 一专业领域研究材料或资料可以是文学作品、调查问卷、某 种学术观点或理论、调研数据、社会文化现象(包括语言现 象) 、某种人群等等。在以人作为研究对象时,应征得个人 同意,若是,应征得其同意,以免触犯隐私权、名 誉权等。 在这部分中,研究的成果或结论只需列举主要的几条加 以概括,以促使读者读完全文,对科研的结果作出评估。写 前言时,不要认为已有了摘要就可以省略摘要的内容。前言 中不仅应包括摘要中的全部内容,而且需提供更多、更详尽 的信息。 文献综述 属于研究背景介绍, 介绍背景材料时可有三
&&& 种方法编排组织材料:按观点、方法介绍;按时间先后介绍; 或以归纳方式介绍。当介绍趋于具体时,有必要介绍近期内 已开展或正在开展此类课题的有关科研人员,中应提及 他们的姓名。如: Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar are among the most influential scholars who have made a psychanalytical study of Jane Eyre. Their studies suggest that Bertha is Jane&s dark double. 讨论分析 是外语类的主体,该部分需逐一对论点 进行分析讨论,要求层次清楚,分析透彻,论据充分。 在叙述人们普遍认为是真实的情况时,写作中用现 在时;现在时也可用于描述明显的、常识性的事物,如&The Atlantic Monthly is a literary magazine.&《大西洋月刊》是一 ( 本文学杂志。。在叙述科研中所做的工作、出版的情况及科 ) 研的条件时用过去时,例如: &We sent 500 questionnaires.& 在 说 明 事 实 、 论 据 时 用 现 在 时 , 例 如 : The method is & applicable to both writing and reading.&事实和论据在作为科 研过程中所发现的资料说明时,可用过去时,如: &We found some students seldom practice speaking after class.& 中应采用各学科领域中的标准术语。若有大量数据 应采用图表。图表是指曲线图、示意图、图画、照片等。一 图顶千字,使用各类图表不仅使主要内容易于为读者所 了解,而且省时有效,不必费时编写多个冗长的描述句。通 过图表人们易于掌握大量繁复的信息资料。 结论部分 在中所占篇幅最小,但这部分集中描述 该的研究成果或结论,是对人类知识的贡献。 成果主要通过描述性句子述说科研结果或结论,可分两 步逐一叙述: 先以一个句子作概括性介绍,例如: & The results obtained indicate that the students& communicative skills have been greatly improved through CAI method.& (研究结果表明计算机辅助教学极大地提高了学生 的交际能力。 ) 第二步:列出代表性的例证或数据,某一试验或某组试
&&& 验多次反复进行后所得的代表性例证或数据尤为重要。 &成果&部分不宜评述科研结果的内涵。评论应在&讨 论分析&部分展开,但叙述结果的简单评述无疑应包括&结 果&部分,例如: &The passing rate of the experimental class is 10% higher than that of ordinary classes.(table 5).This is in agreement with David Wang et al.& (实验班的及格率比普通班高出 10%,这个结果与大 卫&王等人的一致。 ) 科研结果若与预期的不一致,也应在中说明,例如 科研前曾预测会有某种或某些结果,而实际并未获得预期的 结果。这种情况不一定表示科研失败,通过研究没能解决的 问题有时也具有重要意义。 语言上一般用过去时描述研究结果,因研究是在过去某 一时间进行的;但研究中所得的结果不会随时间而变化,因 而应以现在时表述;图表也用现在时说明。 最后就结果提出结论,也就是说要从具体的科研结果总 结出带有普遍性、规律性的结论。应首先重复&前言&中有 关课题的内容,突出为何提出该项课题,同时也以此再次告 知读者开展此项科研要达到什么目的。若有必要还可说明科 研结果与原假设是否相符,与他人的结果是否一致,若不一 致需说明原因。作者提出的理由若仅是猜测或不很明确,应 说明不能明确提出理由的原因。可再次概括说明以往他人科 研的局限性或作者本人课题的局限性,最后应说明科研结果 在理论、实践上的意义,应如何运用此项科研成果。述说这 些内容时注意不能过于自信或作过高评价,表述用词应仔细 斟酌。例如: The results suggest appear to demonstrate seem to indicate imply that the CAI method is applicable in this case. 在说明课题的意义时应谨慎,避免武断,避免绝对化。
&&& 课题的意义在相当程度上可由读者去思索后作出评价。举例 说, am the first to challenge this theory.& &I (我是对理论提出 挑战的第一人。 )此类提法欠妥,应选用留有余地的词句, 如&I may be the first to raise questions on the theory.& (我可能 是对该理论提出质疑的第一人。 。这种场合下常用的词是 ) could,may,might 等。 &结论&部分还有必要提出如何深入研究有关问题,不 少常遗漏或疏忽这一点。应对自己提出这样的问题:如 果还有机会再继续做这一课题,该做什么?在该课题上已投 入很多时间,无疑一定清楚还有哪些尚未做的,或还有哪些 其他人值得做的工作。 (2)毕业内容提要(摘要)的撰写 读者阅读正文前一般先读摘要,摘要中若无十分引 人之处读者就不会再读。摘要中若披露令人感兴趣的结 果,读者转而阅读正文,以对科研结果作出评估。 从写作步骤上说,摘要总在最后完成,因为只有完全清 楚中确切的内容后才能写摘要。根据发表的方式, 摘要也可称为&概要&&梗概&&概述& 、 、 。 摘要可能被单独引录。譬如收录在一年多次出版的参考 书或索引中如英文的 SCI、SSCI 和 A&HCI 中,或收录于 计算机网络数据库中。摘要应自成一体。摘要中不提供参考 资料的出处,也不一定介绍使用的材料或提及中的图 表。 摘要简要叙述的内容,扼要说明研究什么问题以及 科研取得的结果。摘要中应首先说明课题的目的及范围,采 用的方法,最重要的结果及结论或建议。 摘要大致可分为:描述性的,信息性的以及描述、信息 兼而有之。描述性的摘要叙述的内容,帮助读者了解是 否有必要参阅全文;信息性的摘要尽量为读者提供 中包容的信息,读者若愿了解更多信息资料可阅读全文。实 际上摘要一般都是合二为一的,既是描述性的,又是信息性 的。 阅读摘要的人数一般都大于阅读的人数,与作
&&& 者不属同一学科领域的科研人员也可能有兴趣或有某种需 要阅读其他专业的,因而应考虑阅读对象,必要时尽量 避免专业性过强的词语及缩写字。 摘要可有三种不同写法。第一种方法是删去正文中 那些非实质性的部分,删剩的部分再改写减缩;第二种方法 是重写,尽可能简练,在改写基础上不断修改,最终符合规 定的长度;第三种方法是以主题句开始,再列出提纲中的要 点,最后以&结论&部分中主要段落的标题句收尾。摘要长 度通常为 200-300 字。 (3)撰写初稿 一篇一般几易其稿才能最终完成。若以三稿为例, 初稿主要为作者个人之需,作者将其思想落实在纸上,见诸 于文字;第二稿是从读者角度进行修改,以便读者理解 主要内容;第三稿是为方便审校、打印和上交。 若用英文写,写第一稿时不必太拘泥于语法、 拼写等语言问题,注意力应集中于表达思想。工作提纲越详 细,初稿越易写成。 初稿中应将拟引用的材料全部写上,因内容安排上随时 需作更改,而任何更改都有可能影响引用材料的位置,因此 编号可留待以后进行。 (4)修改初稿 写第二稿时,应再次检查结构。检查结构是否 易于为读者抓住要点;内容表达是否清晰连贯。写第二稿时 应注意提高语言质量,改正语法错误,注意遣词造句。必要 时可重写某些段落。写第二稿时,中引用哪些资料已基 本确定,此时可编制文献参考资料目录。若的组织结构 不再作任何改动,可为引用材料分别顺次编号,并将引用材 料的出处按顺序排列,编制尾注。 写第三稿时应再次检查语法、 用词、 拼写以及标点符号; 检查引语编号是否有遗漏。至此基本就绪,只需最后润 色、定稿。
&&& 8.的格式与规范
&&& Dickinson&s Poems(黑体小二)
&&& Author: YU Lian-jun
&&& (Times New Roman 四号) Supervisor: SHI
&&& Yue-chun , Professor(Times New Roman
&&& 四号) 四号)
&&& (College of Foreign Languages , Shandong Agricultural University , Tai&an 271018) (Times New Roman 小五)
&&& &&&&&&&&. &&&&&&. &&&&&&& 装 订 线
&&& Abstract:(黑体五号) Emily Dickinson,a very famous American poetess, is well known for her unique and unconventional poetry. Written largely in meters common to Protestant hymnbooks, her poems employed irregular rhythms, off-or-slant-rhymes, paradox, and a
&&& careful balancing of abstract Latinate and concrete Anglo-Saxon words. Her characters are also very special. She was recluse from the society but her relatively narrow social range and education did not limit her imagination and creation. She wrote about 1,800 poems about the subjects ranging from love, death, nature, and immortality to beauty. Her greatest lyrics were on the theme of death, which she typically personified as a monarch, a lord, or a kindly but irresistible lover. Death is her favorite subject. This article tries to analyze the relationship between her characters and her poetry, to explain her thoughts by analyzing her poetry from the angle of her life as background, aesthetic tendency, lyrical features and the features of her language. (Times New Roman 五号) Key words: ( 黑 体 五 号 ) P D Emily Dickinson (Times New Roman 五号) 爱米莉&狄金森诗中 的死亡
&&& (黑体小二)
&&& (学校最新要求:中外文摘要 200-300 字,关 键词 3-5 个,正文字数不少于 6000 字。 ) 摘要: (黑体五号)爱米莉&狄金森是一位 著名美国女诗人,因其独特而反传统而闻名。她 特意的隐居和相对狭窄的社交并未限制其想象 力和创造力。她创作了近 1800 首诗,主题涉及 到爱情,死亡,自然,永恒和美。而死亡是她比 较钟情的主题。她将死亡拟人化为君主,一个既 善良又不可抵抗的情人。本文试图通过分析其诗 作,从审美倾向,角度和语言张力的构建等 角度,剖析其诡秘莫测的死亡诗,以展示诗人复 杂而真切的内心世界及其对生与死的多方位的 体验和领悟。 (宋体五号) 关键词: 黑体五号) ( 诗作; 死亡; 爱米莉& 狄 金森(宋体五号)
&&& 1. Introduction(Times New Roman 四号)
&&& The mid-20th century has brought with it many significant changes and progresses in the study of language.(Times New Roman 五号) 第 1 页
&&& &&&&&&.&&. &&&&. &&&&. &&
&&& It is true that models can keep their validity as the physical models idealization is doubtful.
&&& 2. Body(Times New Roman 四号)
&&& Subjects (Times New Roman 五号) anbhygalghgolejghaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllghbnnbhghkh,glajgjhnhjlajfg
&&&;gkitijjkolkiowjkklklllogooogitoykk(Times New Roman 五号) 2.2 Instruments
&&& sshjshjlljkdkkfjkskkskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ddddkjjjdj
&&& 3. Conclusion (Times New Roman 四号)
&&& &&&&&&&&. &&&&&&. &&&&&&& 装 订 线
&&& Bibliography (Times New Roman 四号)
&&& 1. 1. Chomsky, N. 1965. Reflections on Language. (书名用 Times New York: Partheon Books. (Times New Roman 五号) 2. 2. Widdowson, H. G. 1996. Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University 3. 3. Brown, R. 2000. Cultural continuity and ELT teacher training. E 用 Times New Roman 斜体 5 号)54/3: 227-234
&&& 4. Zamel, V. 1987. Recent Research on Writing Pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly 21/4:
&&& 5. 5. . Taisha.org 6. 6. 刘润清,1999, 《论大学教学》 。外语教学与研究出版社 7. 7. 牛强,2000,过渡语的石化现象极其教学启示, 《外语与外语 五号)
&&& Acknowledgement (Times New Roman 四号) Appendix(Times New Roman 四号)
&&& &&&&&&.&&. &&&&. &&&&. &&
&&& 注: 1.中外文摘要 200-300 字,关键词 3-5 个,正文字数不少于 6000 2.查阅文献资料数量视课题需要和学生水平而定,一般在 8 篇以上 3. 参考文献:按正文中引用的先后顺序列出,包括文献编号、作者 期刊名、出版单位、出版年月、页码等。 4.毕业一式两份存档。
&&& 附件:专业毕业全文
&&& A Stylistic Analysis of Martin Luther King&s
&&& Author:Su Zhanghai Supervisor: Liu Fagong, Vice-Professor (College of Foreign Languages, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Jining, 273165)
&&& Abstract: On the base of the definition of stylistics, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some the of stylistic devices used in the famous speech by the well-known American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and then probes into the stylistic characteristics of speech as a style. Key words: Stylistics, Stylistic devices, analysis, speech.
&&& 马丁. 路德.金 《我有一个梦》的文体分析
&&& 本文首先阐述了文体学的定义, 并在此基础上对对美国著名黑人领袖马丁. 路 摘 要: 德.金的著名演讲《我有一个梦》中所使用的文体手段进行了详尽的分析,进而对演讲文体 的风格进行了简要的论述。 关键词:文体学;文体手段;分析;演讲 关键词 As an interdisciplinary field of study, stylistics promises to offer useful insights into literary criticism and the teaching of literature with its explicit aims and effective techniques. It is very useful in the analysis of various styles of writing. In this thesis, the author tries to offer a stylistic analysis of the famous speech by Martin Luther king, Jr. I Have a Dream.
&&& 1. Introduction: Definition of Stylistics and Stylistic Analysis
&&& As far as the definition of stylistics is concerned different scholars define the branch of study in different ways. Wales defines stylistics simply as & the study of style& (), while Widdowson provides a more informative definition as &the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation& and takes &a view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other is that it is essentially a means of linking the two& (1975:3). Leech holds a similar view. He defines stylistics as the &study of the use of language in literature& (1969:1) and considers stylistics a &meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study&(1969:2). From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study that straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics. It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end. Stylistic analysis is generally concerned with the
that is, what it is that is peculiar to the uses of language in a literary text for delivering the message. This naturally involves comparisons of the language of the text with that used in conventional types of discourse. Stylisticians may also wish to characterize the style of a literary text by Systematically comparing the language uses in that text with those in another. Halliday points out, &The text may be seen as &this& in contrast with &that&, with another p stylistics studies are essentially comparative in nature&&(). On this points, Widdowson is of the same opinion as Halliday. He says: &All literary appreciation is comparative, as indeed is a recognition of styles in general& (1975:84). Thus, we may conclude that stylistic analysis is an activity that is highly comparative in nature.
&&& 2. Related Information of the Speech I HAVE A DREAM and Its Author
&&& Martin Luther King, jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, the son of a clergyman and the grandson of a slave. After attending several colleges he received his Ph. D. in theology from Boston University in 1955. He led the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama in . As president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, he then led civil rights demonstrations in many cities. In 1963 he helped organize the march on Washington, which brought together more than 200,000 people. A leader in establishing a nonviolent civil rights movement, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1964. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968, shortly before his fortieth birthday. Since then, he has become an American folk hero, and on November 2, 1983, a law honoring Dr. King was signed by President Rigan, effective January 1986, making the third Monday of January a national holiday. He is the only U. S. citizen other than George Washington to be recognized in this way. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the United States. One hundred years after this decree was signed, however, the life of blacks was still &sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the Chains discrimination.& On August 28, 1963, a quarter of million people of all races came to Washington, D. C., to show their support for freedom and justice for all Americans, and for black people in particular. At that demonstration, Martin Luther King, jr. delivered this famous speech I HAVE A DREAM, widely regarded as the most eloquent statement of the black people&s dreams and aspirations ever made. In his speech, Dr. King told the world, &I have a dream& that equality would come &to all of God&s children.& He said he wanted everyone to be able to &join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, &Free at last! Free at last!&&&
&&& 3. A Stylistic Analysis of the Speech (An analysis of some of the stylistic devices used in the speech)
&&& Martin Luther King&s speech of August 28, 1963 is widely regarded as one of the most powerful ever delivered in the United States. Although this address was delivered orally, it was read from a written text composed with great care. It is an example of formal
with a convincing style. Here are some of the stylistic devices (which maybe considered traditionally as rhetorical devices) used by Dr King to inspire and persuade.
&&& 3.1 Repetition:
&&& Throughout the speech, Dr. King repeats words and sentence. This is a very outstanding feature in this speech called repetition. It belongs to the stylistic device of syntactic over-regularity. The term repetition is restricted to mean the case of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text such as a word, phrase or even a sentence (Leech, 1969), because all the over-regular features in literature are in some sense repetitious. Used in speech, repetition not only makes it easy for the audience to follow what the speaker is saying, but also gives a strong rhythmic quality to the speech and makes it more memorable. In paragraphs 8 through 16, for example, King uses the words &I have a dream& nine times. This repetition helps to achieve the function of coherence in discourse and the function of reinforcement in mood and emotion, expressing the speaker&s strong emotion of longing for freedom, justice, righteousness and a much more united nation of all of God&s children. If we study the whole speech more carefully, it is easy for us to find many other examples of repetition used. ① ① But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro. ② ② is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. Here the phrase &one hundred years later& has been repeated three times, seemingly
&&& indicating that it is really a long time for the Negro to wait for the coming of the time of justice and righteousness. ②But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. (Par.4) The phrase &we refuse to believe that&& has been used twice to indicate the speaker&s good hope. ③ ③ Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God&s Children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. (Par.4) In this short passage, the clause &Now is the time to&& has been used four times to emphasize the fierce urgency of &NOW& and to encourage and persuade the blacks to take immediate action to rise above and gain their own rights and freedom. Other examples of repetition can still be easily found throughout the speech. In par. 7, the words &we can never/cannot be satisfied as long as&& has been used as many as five times to show the determination and persistence in par. 17, the words &with the faith we will be able to&& has been repeated twice for the purpose of showing how strong the faith of the black people is to struggle for the brotherhood of &all of God&s children& and how strong the , faith of the black people is to believe that they &will be free one day&. Now let&s enjoy another example. ④And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire! Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California! B let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city& (Paragraphs 19 through 25) The words &Let Freedom ring&& has been repeated as many as nine times to indicate that it is the whole of the United States rather than any part of it that should be bathed in the sunshine of freedom.
&&& 3.2 Use of Parallelism
&&& Parallelism is another syntactic over-regularity. It means exact repetition in equivalent positions. It differs from simple repetition in that the identity does not extend to absolute duplication, it &requires some variable feature of the pattern-some contrasting elements which are &parallel& with respect to their position in the pattern&(Leech, 1969:66). To put it simply, parallelism means the balancing of sentence elements that are grammatically equal. To take them parallel, balance nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, prepositional phrases with prepositional phrases, clauses with clauses, and so forth. In his speech, Martin Luther King uses parallelism to create a strong rhythm to help the audience line up his ideas. Here are few examples: ⑤&by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination&(Par.2, two parallel noun phrases) ⑥&This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drag of
&&& gradualism.& (Par.4, two parallel infinitive phrases: &to engage&to take&&) ⑦ &There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America&& (Par. 5, two parallel nouns joined with &neither&nor&) ⑧&We shall never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity&&(Par. 7, two parallel verb phrases) It is traditionally believed that parallelism is used for the purpose of emphasizing and enhancing, esp. in speech, the ideas expressed by the speaker (or author in written versions), thus always encouraging and inspiring the audience. We need not to be very carefully to find out many more examples of parallelism used in King&s speech and classified as is followed:
&&& parallel nouns:
&&& ⑨This not was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Par. 3, three parallel nouns as attributive) ⑩1963 is not an end, but a beginning (Par. 5, two parallel nouns joined with &not&but&& ) ⑾Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. (Par. 6) ⑿&have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. (Par. 6, two pairs of parallel nouns). ⒀I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment&(Par. 8) ⒁&a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. (Par. 11, two pairs of parallel nouns).
&&& Parallel noun phrases:
&&& ⒂So we have to came to cash this check-a check that will give as upon demand the riches of freedom and The security of justice. (Par. 4) ⒃I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brother hood (Par. 10)
&&& Parallel infinitive phrases:
&&& ⒄ It would be fetal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro. (Par.5, two parallel infinitive phrases) ⒅With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to straggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. (Par. 7, five parallel infinitive phrases).
&&& 3.2.4 Parallel prepositional phrases
&&& ⒆I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. (Par. 12) ⒇&, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, & (Par. 25) E. Parallel clauses: (21) &, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and (that) their
&&& freedom is inextricably bound t our freedom. (Par. 6, two parallel objective clause) (22) I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough place will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. (Par. 6, six parallel clauses used as appositions of the noun &dream&).
&&& 3.3 Use of Similes and Metaphors
&&& As two very important types of meaning transference in literature, similes and metaphors are comparisons that show similarities in things that are basically different, which can be used to add vividness and vitality to writing. As Leech points out, metaphor is associated with a particular rule of transference which may be called the &metaphoric rule& (). That is, the figurative meaning is derived from the literal meaning or it is, as it were, the literal meaning. Throughout the speech, King makes extensive use of similes and metaphors. In paragraph 1, for example, King compares The Emancipation Proclamation to two forms of brilliant light cutting through darkness. The first-&a joyous daybreak&-compares it to the sunrise, which (in this case) ends &the long night of captivity& In paragraph 2, he speaks of &the manacles of segregation and . the chains of discrimination,& comparing segregation and discrimination under which the Negro people live to the manacles and chains once used on slaves. Therefore, it is very clear that the using of similes and metaphors can definitely add vividness and vitality to writing and make it easy for the readers or audience to understand. Now let&s cite some of the similes and metaphors used in King&s speech. (23) One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. (Par. 2, metaphors) (24) But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity for this nation (Par.4, metaphors) (25)This is no time & to take the tranquilizing drag of gradualism. (Par. 4, metaphor) (26) This sweltering summer of the Negro&s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. (Par. 5, Metaphors) (27) &we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. (Par. 7, Similes) (28) &a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. (Par. 14, Similes)
&&& 3.4 Use of Contrast
&&& Although maybe a rhetorical device instead of a stylistic one, contrast has also been used effectively, like repetition, in this speech, achieving the function of making clear the ideas of the speaker. In paragraph l, for example, &great beacon light of hope& is contrasted with &flames of withering injustice,& and &joyous daybreak& with long night of captivity.& As it is defined, contrast is used to show the difference between two things. Therefore, it is not very difficult for us to understand why the speaker king uses so many contrasts in his speech. (29) One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. (Par. 2) (30) Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. (Par. 4) (31) Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood (Par.4)
&&& (32) This sweltering summer of the Negro&s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. (Par. 5) (33) 1963 is not an end, but a beginning. (Par. 5) (34) Again and again we must rise to the majestic height of meeting physical force with soul force. (Par. 6) (35) And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. (Par. 7) (36)&the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.(Par. 10) (37)&a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. (Par. 11) (38)&where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. (Par. 12) (39) With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. (Par. 17) (40) With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
&&& 4. Conclusion
&&& As we have analyzed above, stylistic devices are frequently used in the discourse of literary works especially in speech, to achieve certain specific purposes. Thus making the style of a speech somewhat particular to the others. Generally speaking, a speech may have the following stylistic characteristics: To begin with, it must be very persuasive. Thus the sentence patterns are very well-organized, with repetitions, parallelism and contrasts frequently used. Secondly, it should be emotional so as to be convincing, because the speaker should face the audience directly and his words should not only be orderly and informative but also be expressive and inspiring. Therefore, the stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors are often involved. Finally, in many cases, written-conversational style is usually used with not very formal diction and not very complicated sentence structure.
&&& Bibliography:
&&& [1]. Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 28, 1963 [2]. Wang Shouyuan, Essentials of
Stylistics, Shandong University Press, July, 2000 [3]. Pan Shaozhang,
Rhetoric and Writing, Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998 [4]. Widdowson, H. G. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975 [5]. Leech, G. N. & &This bread I break& Language and interpretation&. In D.C. Freeman. (ed.). Linguistics and Literature Style. New York:Holt, Rinhart & Winston.
&&& Acknowledgements:
&&& It was really a laborious task to accomplish a B.A thesis. Many people gave me support and help in the process of writing the paper. I&d like first to give my grate to my dear teacher, vice professor Mr. Liu Fagong, who generously gave me his kindly help and instructions during the whole process of my paper-writing. Then I&d like to give my many thanks to my classmates who helped me a lot with my information collecting and paper-polishing. Most important of all, I want to give my thanks to my mother university and all the teachers in the
College, who educated and cultivated me to be a qualified teacher in the future.
&&& A Brief Introduction to the Author:
&&& Su Zhanghai, a student in Class One 1988 Grade, majoring in
Education, and a
&&& well-to-be teacher in Shandong Agricultural University, who whole-heartedly gives his best wishes to all the teachers in Qufu Normal University.
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