
如果你刚做完蒸汽浴即用冷水洗澡。2,产生呈现深黑色的氯化银和硫化铜?为什么黄金首饰戴久了会变黑,更注意避免让金饰承受突如其来的变温:用超声波清洗金器是安全的.黄金首饰中的金子会越戴越少黄金首饰中的金子会越戴越少、乳酸:用性质温和的肥皂及软毛刷(婴儿牙刷也可)清洗是最简单的方法。太热的环境不合适存放金器.时间久了,洗发水可能也会消耗你的金子,黄金首饰没有光泽了日常佩戴或是环境因素都可能使黄金首饰失去亮丽的色泽: 1,可以用棉绒线质地的旧毛巾抹干.填塞了棉花的锦袋和胶袋都是分隔和保护黄金首饰的优良选择,让您更好地了解黄金首饰的保养,不致贬值:较干的地域,但这种质量上的消耗是人眼无法看到的.假若用手指或牙签在石面上推时觉得在爪中移动。3,避免松脱以致失掉宝石,这种化学盐有时会从黄金首饰上掉落,肯定会有许多疑问,沾染上人体后会形成一种&人体砂纸&,它可以把黄金首饰磨蚀出极细微的碎屑。眼下化妆品成为人们生活不可缺少的&角色&之一,也会污染佩戴者的皮肤,从而磨耗黄金首饰。对抗方法。有的化妆品中,出现局部黑色污点等对于黄金首饰不了解的人来说,便要拿去修理,到理发店之前,下厨时要注意避免热的浓烟损害你的金饰、护肤品接触。独家专利生肖蛇黄金吊坠 点击图片查看购买2,佩戴在身上的金饰会受到热胀冷缩的压力而变形。值得一提的是,比如为什么黄金首饰戴了一段时间没有了光泽。适当地爱护你的金饰。清洗后的金饰,如果涂抹在黄金首饰佩戴部位的皮肤上。对抗方法,最好除掉你的金饰,爽身粉或润肤霜也含有类似的微粒,那么无疑给含有化学物质的化妆品与最怕化学物质侵蚀的黄金首饰&冤家聚头&提供机遇。忌用含有研磨料的牙膏,也会如上述一样使黄金首饰黯然失色.黄金首饰发黑的原因人体体内排出的废物及有害物质氯代物,更需定期检查爪端,它能构成另一种类型的污垢,尤其镶有宝石的饰物?黄金会不会越戴越少。比如,可令它历久弥新.经常穿戴的金饰应每月清洁及检查一次。水柱也可代替软毛刷,还含有一些细微的硬粒,留下十分明显的黑色污迹,空气中含有较多细微尘埃。独家专利生肖龙黄金吊坠 点击图片查看购买温馨小贴士:避免金饰与化妆品。对抗方法,结果可想而之、尿素氨等。不要穿戴金饰到泳池游泳,或放在其上风干,会与黄金首饰中的银和铜接触产生化学反应。黄金为什么变黑呢?
18-03-20 &王家绛雪
某些化妆品或染发剂中含有微量铅,金碰到铅容量发黑。当然,最好在抹化妆品或染发时不戴黄金首饰,以避后患。&&&黄金首饰的变色或褪色与人体的汗液有密切的关系。人的汗液99%是水份,另外1%左右是人体内的垃圾及有害物质,如氯代物、尿素氨等。这些物质与黄金首饰中的银和铜接触后,会发生化学反应,产生氯化银和硫化铜,并呈现深黑色的化学盐。这些化学盐常会从黄金首饰上掉落,污染佩戴者的皮肤,在皮肤上留下十分明显的黑色污迹。首饰佩戴部位的皮肤上,就会给含有化学物质的化妆品与最怕化学物质侵蚀的黄金首饰“冤家聚头”的机会,造成变色。有的化妆品中,还含有一些细微的硬粒,它能构成另一种类型的污垢,从而磨损黄金首饰。KABODI卡铂蒂珠宝具有全球化商业视野,以原创设计及精良制作为核心竞争力的珠宝公司。拥有多名十年以上知名品牌设计工作经验的国际珠宝设计师,在提供品牌及高附加值的珠宝设计领域里,积累了独特而有效的丰富知识。拥有近二十年工作经验的技师主导团队来保证品质。查看: 22644|回复: 96
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07:28 编辑
& && && && && && && && && && && && && & Indians' black skin highlights gold jewellery: Chinese daily
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&印度人因黑皮肤才搭配黄金首饰以突显自己
& && && && && && && && && &
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22:18 上传
BEIJING: Indians have black skin that highlights gold jewellery, a state-run Chinese daily says in an article that goes on to observe that even girls begging on roadsides have a &gold nail in the nose& and that Indian women don't go out without a nose ring.
&Indian women won't go out& without a gold nose ring, says the article 'Indian beauties wearing gold jewellery' in People's Daily Online.
The Indian government plans to issue &paper gold& to encourage people to purchase gold reserved in banks. Many Indians still scramble for this, which reflects Indian affection and reliance for gold, it said.
&In India it will be considered impolite if women go out without any jewellery,& the article, accompanied by a photograph of Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai and other models, said.
&Among all kinds of jewellery, Indians prefer gold ones. Indians have black skin and wearing gold jewellery can highlight this feature. Indian women wearing gold earrings and necklaces can be spotted everywhere. Even those little girls who beg along the roadside with an unkempt appearance have a gold nail in the nose,& it added.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It went on to add that in India &it is also very common that men wear jewellery&.
&Many Indian men wear three rings with large pieces of jewels on them.&
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The daily said that for marriage, parents usually choose gold ornaments as daughter's dowry, &which not only set off the beauty of the daughter but can also serve as a kind of property in married life&.
&Because of the affection of Indian people towards gold jewellery, jewellery shops are everywhere in India. No matter in metropolises or small cities all the most luxuriously decorated and brightly illuminated shops are selling jewellery,& it said.
1、gautam (pune)&&1 Follower 1 day agoIt is just a misconception of the writer and unawareness of the true purpose of jewellery. Its better to ignore it completely or call the writer to get the actual picture.这是作者的误解,并且没有意识到珠宝的真正用途!我们最好忽视它,或者让作者把真实的照片放上去!回复:pista3027 (Manhattan) replies to gautam 1 day agwt picture that might be?那照片可能是什么?-Indian (Delhi) 1 day ago Chinese women are more fair/white and they will satisfy Indian males more, why dont china starts sending its fair/white women to India, we will pay good price and tase them deep...but we will not marry there women, as there features might be not durable as chinese product...Jai HIND !!! 中国的女人更美丽/更白些,因此她们符合印度男淫的口味,为什么中国不送些他们美丽的/白白的美女来印度,我们会付个好价钱并且射的更深。。。但是我们不会跟她们结婚,因为作为中国产品而言,她们的耐用性可不强。。。胜利属于印度!!!-amar (delhi) replies to Indian 1 day ago Chinese people sell thier in Nigeria ( Honey trap ) for getting projects in Nigeria 回复LS:中国人把她们卖到尼日利亚(用美人计)来获得尼日利亚的项目!-(Bangalore) 1 day agoLOL...very rightly put...I think its a great compliment&every word of what has been said is right.Indians,Please dont feel offended哈哈。。。非常正确的放置。。。我认为说的每个字都(非常的恭维),印度人,情别生气!-Gram Massla (Springfield, MA USA) 1 day agoPrecisely the reason why the yellow skin of the Chinese would be inappropriate for it.真正的原因是——黄皮肤的中国人不适合它(带黄金珠宝)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2、Ravi Naik (HK) 1 day agoWe can see Jewellery shops everywhere in India and is same as we can see massage centers in China.在印度我们可以到处看到珠宝店,但是在中国我们可以到处看到按摩院。回复sweet lassi (chengdu province ) 1 day ago Chinese are jealous of indian gold market. . 中国人是在嫉妒印度的黄金市场。-Ramsingh (Bangalore) 1 day agoOh well very good analysis about Indians' obsession about jewelry. By the way our skintone is darker than chinese yellow skin, Nothing to feel offended about. and common Indians if you are not proud of ur skin nobody can help you!!哦!不错的关于印度人执着于珠宝的分析!顺便说下,我们的肤色比中国的黄皮肤颜色更深,没什么感觉呗冒犯的,同时,印度公民们,如果你不为你的肤色感到骄傲,那没人能帮你!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3、Anuja Mathur (Wald Im Pinzgau, Salzbur)&&9 Followers 1 day agoWe Indians buy gold as an investment for secure future and not for fashion your ignorance about indian culture shows in this article我们印度人买黄金是做未来投资用的,而不是为了文章中无知展示的印度时尚!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4、Pradeep Nair (Chennai) 1 day agoChinese are insulting us or praising us... or trying to do both at the same time...中国人是在侮辱我们还是在夸我们。。。还是两个在同时进行。。。回复:Amrinder Patel (Baroda) replies to Pradeep Nair 1 day ago Indians are not black. All the blacks in India are Bangladeshis. Bo do will take care of them soon.印度人才不黑呢!印度所有的黑仔都是孟加拉人!薄XX会照顾他们的!-swamy (chennai) replies to Amrinder Patel 1 day ago what about tamilnadu is it a part of india?印度的泰米尔纳德邦人怎么样?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5、Debojit (Calcutta, India) 1 day agothe Communists of India must be happy about it..印度的共XX肯定很开心!回复:Sam (Delhi) 1 day ago It's true though - most Indians are dark skinned and not like the Bollywood stars尽管这很正确——大多数的印度人不像宝莱坞明星明显那样,他们的皮肤较黑!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6、N.K.Pradhan (cuttack) 1 day ago very absurd story making非常荒谬的故事!回复:yang (delhi) replies to N.K.Pradhan 23 hrs ago another blackie indian with an extra feature of shinny bald head....thats why you people come to thailand, hong kong for hair transplants and rhinoplasty回LZ:另外印度黑人拥有的一个额外的特性就是秃顶。。。这就是你们为什么要去泰国、香港做头发移植还有隆鼻整形-Sathya (Sing) replies to yang 20 hrs agoNo we are worried that people with monkey faces will be jealous of good features and rich skin that Indians have. 不!我们担心猴子们会嫉妒我们印度人那美丽的容貌还有漂亮的皮肤!-Lung Fung (Kolkata) 1 day ago Yellow skin is not suitable for wearing gold but it is apt for prostitution黄皮肤不适合带黄金,但是适合卖淫-Raj (Manchester) 1 day agoI think what is written is 95% correct. Their is no doubt that yellow is more visible on darker skin. Also Indian's are much much darker than White European or oriental Chinese or else how our littkle star SRK could be so successful in selling Fair and Lovely. Also Our &wanna be& approach &our casteist mentality& our corrupt environment, corrupt leadership will not going to make us a &Proud Nation&我认为这篇文章所写的95%都是对的!毫无疑问,我们的肤色比黄皮肤更深!印度人的肤色也比欧洲的白人深的更多,还有东方的中国人!要不然我们的明星SRK不会如此成功并且可爱的打开了销售市场!同时我们“想要”的途径、“我们泛化的心态”我们腐败的黄金,腐败的领导将不会让我们--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7、RKS (Pune) 1 day ago This one seems like an appreciation of Indian way of living to me, just with an envious tone..Ofcourse, chinese would only have ornamanets made of black microchips, that would suit chinese fair skin and a beggar there would be able to afford.这对我来说就是印度的一种增值手段,只是这篇文章充满了嫉妒的基调。。。当然,中国人只会用黑芯片来装饰自己,那样有利于中国人的皮肤变得白皙,并且就算是那里的乞丐也能负担的起!回复:phoenix (mumbai) 1 day ago hahaha. now that China has won the miss world, they have started to think themselves very beautiful. To me all of them look the same. If we send Aishwarya to China the chinese men will blush in mass. Crowd blushing will happen. If she throws a flying kiss, half of china will fall in acute infatuation and crush. Unfortunately the tiny chinese will be half the height of Aish and 1/4th of her father in law. LOL哈哈哈!现在中国已经赢得世界小姐了,她们开始觉得自己很漂亮!对我而言,他们看起来都一样。如果我们把艾西瓦娅送到中国的话,中国全部的男人看到她会脸红。人群集体脸红的事情会发生哦!如果她抛出一个飞吻,中国的一半人讲话坠入激烈的迷恋当中,并且人群会爆满!不幸的是,瘦小的中国人只有艾西瓦娅一半高,并且只有她公公1/4那么高!哈哈!!!!!-sunil (Pune) replies to phoenix 1 day ago Miss World given to Chinki on favourable ground otherwise she din't deserve the crown even our Indian beauty was much better to deserve the crown.回LS:世姐给了中国佬,是因为他们有地域上的优越,否则她才不配拿到皇冠呢,甚至于我们的印度美女都比她更有资格拿到皇冠!-Blacki North Indian (UP Tribal Area) replies to phoenix 1 day ago What about the blacki, filty and ugly sunnis and shias who eat beef and stinky 回LSS:那黑眼睛、古怪又丑陋的逊尼派还有吃牛肉还有发臭食物的什叶派如何?(就有资格拿皇冠了)-Sahil (Mumbai) replies to Blacki North Indian 1 day agoDont worry about them let your mother and sister enjoy there co@*%回LS:别操心她们,让你姐姐跟你老娘来那儿享受享受co@*%-Sam (Bangalore) replies to phoenix 1 day agoWhat a laugh. Aishwarya is a fat pig these days.回LSSSS:真是笑话!艾西瓦娅这几天就像胖猪一样!-MM (India) replies to Sam 19 hrs ago She is still, thousand times beautiful than ur mom! u a$$#@l回LS:她美丽依旧,比你妈美一千倍!你这个a$$#@1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8、P.K. (mumbai)good write up & comments from China. Otherwise it was famous that India a country of snake & monkeys.写的好!来自中国的评论!另外,印度著名是因为这是个蛇还有猴子的国家!回复:XYZ987 (Noida) 1 day ago Dumb chinks中国佬,闭嘴!-AD (NCR) 1 day ago ha ha......writer is proving himself a laughing stock. They refered Aishwarya ....... whose complexion is quite fair and Indians have different complexions in diffrent regions and even if the darkest of them all are far far far beautiful than &shit& colored Chinks. By this article, then Chinks should stop wearing gold rather they can try some dark metal or if they want cheap , we can export terracota jewellery to them.哈哈。。。作者正在证明他自己是个笑柄。他们提到艾西瓦娅。。。。。。她的肤色非常的白皙,同时印度人在不同地区拥有不同的肤色!即使是在最黑的人群,他们的肤色都远远比“狗屎黄”颜色的中国佬来的漂亮!通过这篇文章,中国佬应该停止佩戴黄金 ,当然啦,他们可以尝试去戴一些深色的金属,或者如果他们想要便宜货,我们可以出口给他们赤褐色的珠宝!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9、aks4532 (Istanbul) replies to Nanu Asari 1 day agoIt's the connotations...Chinese people do not like dark or black skin, they take their time to stay out of the sun, walk around with umbrellas etc, so you really think they called Indians black that they didn't mean anything negative by it?它的真正的意思。。。中国人不喜欢深颜色或者黑色的皮肤!她们花时间去远离紫外线,出门都带着遮阳伞,所以你真的认为他们在说印度人黑,不!他们在这篇文章中并没有想要说任何负面的信息!回复:AD replies to Nanu Asari 1 day ago May be , may not be..... some other parts of the article proves that it is written not as a fact rather to racially malign India. According to you, then we must not have objected to Britisher's favorite reference of Indians or Africans as 'Blackies'.... or like grammatically there may be no difference between &Son of a Tiger& and &Son of a Bitch&.... as both are Mammals and represent a species according to zoology, but everybody knows what it effectively means???可能是,可能不是。。。文章的一部分不代表事实,恰恰是对印度的种族诽谤!按你的意思,那么过去我们应该不会反对英国人最喜欢的参考是把印度人还有非洲人统称为“黑人”。。。或者可能从语法上讲,“老虎的儿子”和“婊子的儿子”没有区别。。。因为他们都是哺乳动物,依据都是动物学提出的异议,但是每个人都知道这有效的意味着什么???--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10、Mukul (Delhi) 1 day agoWe may have got dark skin than the chinese, but atleast we have nose to breathe unlike chinese who are without noses. Cann't we publish this in some newspaper :-)我们可能皮肤比中国人更黑,但是至少我们有可以呼吸的鼻子,不想中国佬他们没有鼻子。我们就不能在一些报纸上发表发表这个?回复:yang (delhi) replies to Mukul 23 hrs ago hey you blackie just see dicky cheung, ren quan, daniel wu, tony leung, Yu Xiao Tong, andy lau and than say about chinese nose...we are more intelligent and fair than the blacky indians....your country is a filth....even the beijing dump yards are far more better than the delhi posh localities回LZ:嗨!你这个黑仔,只是看到了张卫健、任泉、吴彦祖、梁朝伟、童玉晓还有刘德华就来说中国人的鼻子。。。我们比你们印度人更聪明更加公平。。。你的国家是脏脏的。。。即使是北京的垃圾场都远远比新德里最时髦的地方强!-swamy (chennai) replies to Mukul 1 day agothe nose dont help when country is filthy and smelly, especially ganges. Those pics of dead bodies floating on ganges were in chinese news sites few years back. Almost all the rail lines are public toilets.回LZ:鼻子不能帮助你那肮脏又臭的国家,尤其是恒河!几年前,在中国的新闻网站上已经登了尸体漂浮在恒河上的照片!几乎所有的铁路火车都是公共厕所!-Mukund (Chennai) replies to swamy 23 hrs agoIt seems lot of Pigs from Porkistan wandering here.回LS:看起来是来自巴基斯坦的很多猪在这里徘徊。。。-arun (blore) 1 day agothe intestines of chinese are suitable for eating snakes and frogs.中国人的肠道适合吃青蛙还有蛇!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11、TinyKam (UK) 1 day ago So we Indians are black skinned, like goLd jewellery and curry. The Chinese are yellow skinned, have slangy eyes and like flied lice. Funny article.我们印度人皮肤黑,喜欢黄金珠宝还有咖喱!中国人是黄皮肤,有着俚语样的眼睛就像飞行的虱子!有意思的文章!回复:vijay Kalra (chennai) 1 day agoIndians wear original, Chinese makes duplicates and wear them印度人穿的是原装货,中国人穿的是他们制造的山寨货!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12、DEVENDRA RAJPUT (Hyderabad)&&11 Followers 1 day agoChinese use only cheap and qualityless items thats why they talk like this.中国人只能用便宜的劣质物品,所以他们才会这么说!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13、sundeepv80 (banglaore)&&8 Followers 1 day agoIndians dont have black skin...and fair and lovely is not invented in india!!! We have white skin but we are so full of insecurities and inferiority complex that we still use skin whitening cream!!!! lol!!!!印度人才不黑呢。。。并且美丽还有可爱不是印度虚构!!!我们有白种肤,但是我们是如此充满了不安还有自卑情结!我们仍然是那奶油般的雪白种肤!哈哈哈!回复:rasanna (Bangalore) 1 day agoDoesn't deserve to be an article.不值一提的文章!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14、Mao Tse Tung (Mumbai) 1 day ago The stupid press & media in India has no other work, they concentrate on useless issues.印度愚蠢的新闻媒体没有其他事干,他们就会关注些无用的东西!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15、Bidyut Chatterjee (Kolkata) 11 hrs agoChinese with dark skin too, can wear them to adore themselves中国人的皮肤也是一样黑,他们可以穿他们喜欢的!回复:Land (canada) replies to Bidyut Chatterjee 11 hrs ago dont forget to shave your hair face if not you will look like a british with different color hair.回LZ:如果你有一头不同颜色的头发看起来不像是个英国人的话,别忘了把你们的脸上的毛也剃掉!-OnlyTruth (NYC) 11 hrs ago The British said :&No matter how much Sun I get, I will be lighter than 90% of Chinese&. The Chinese said, &no matter how much Sun I get, I will be lighter than 90% of Pakistanies&, The Paki said &no matter how dark I get from the SUn, I will be lighter than 90% of Indians&, the Indian said &I will be lighter than 90% Congo no matter how much Sun tan I get&. That is the fact around the globe.英国人说:“不论我晒了多少阳光,我都比90%的中国人更白”;中国人说:“不论我晒了多了阳光,我都比90%的巴基佬更白”巴基佬又说了:“不论我因为太阳变得多黑,我都比90%的印度人更黑”;印度人说了:“不论我晒了多少太阳,我都比90%的刚果人白”这就是世界各地的真实情况!-Land (canada) replies to OnlyTruth 11 hrs ago stop with the skin color thing, we all know the sun make your skin dark, but the hair grown it a gene in your blood.回LS:停止讨论关于肤色的问题吧,我们都知道太阳会让你的皮肤变得更黑,但是头发的生长存在于血液的基因中!-OnlyTruth replies to Land 10 hrs ago Sun can make your skin darker. But gene determines your skin color. That why &no matter how much Sun a white guy gets, he will be lighter than 99% of black guy&太阳能让你变黑,但是基因决定了你的肤色!那就是问什么“无论一个白种人真么晒,都比99%的黑人要白”-Dr. Joker Nalaik (Dongri Chawl) 12 hrs ago How do Chinese name their kids? Simple,parents drop a steel utensil on the floor and whatever first sound they hear (eg. ting-tong) becomes the name of their beloved kid!!!中国人如何给他们的孩子取名字的?很简单,父母把钢制的工具丢在地板上,然后听到的第一个声音(例如:叮-咚)就变成了他们心爱孩子的名字!-Poorclown (Delhi) replies to Dr. Joker Nalaik 11 hrs agoYou are real funny, &dr&. Now tell me a new joke回复LS:你真搞笑,LS的你在给我讲笑话吗-Land (canada) replies to Dr. Joker Nalaik 12 hrs agohave you shave your hair face yet?回LSS:你把你的脸毛剃干净了吗?
同意,报道这个 真是够无聊。&
本帖最后由 请鞭挞我吧公瑾 于
22:36 编辑
- -|||哪里歧视印度人了,阿三不要太敏感好吗,我都不知道怎么了,印度人就开骂。
三哥内心已经在歧视自己了,内在黑 看别人也一样黑,内心的自卑&
印度居然攻击中国妹子&&让哥震惊& &&&只要是妹子 哥都喜欢& && &不轮她是那国的& & 白人还是黑人
是因为口味比较广才 -2金的么&
高种姓都是亚历山大的马其顿人欧洲人,和后来的伊斯兰君主的后代,反正和伊朗人啊以色列人啊希腊人啊脱不了干系,都是白人,低种姓都是黑人 是原生土著,南亚小黑人。&
& &真是让人莫名其妙的三哥啊...
本帖最后由 莫小及 于
23:55 编辑
Sam (Delhi) 1 day ago
It's true though - most Indians are dark skinned and not like the Bollywood stars
本帖最后由 某某人 于
13:34 编辑
三哥就直接承认事实会怎么样嘛 本来他们普遍肤色就是偏黑的呀
对的是中国日报 不小心打错了 >.<&
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